Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Serenity

Every Sunday, we lay in bed until the absolute last minute, and then scramble to get ready. We are generally 10 minutes late, and everyone is ornery with each other. Dawson and Dylan start arguing the second they wake up, about who gets to open the door at church.

It has become ridiculous, the amount of discussion that we spend on who gets to open the various doors of our lives. The second I put the car in park, both boys fly from the back, and scramble to be the one to open the door. Then, once out of the vehicle, they wrestle all the way to whatever the next door is.

Today, Dawson bolted out of the truck and beat Dyl to the door, even though it was Dylan's "turn," ...sigh. Dawson stood at the door, beaming with his fresh little face, as the little old ladies, walked in, thanking him. Dylan was in mass hysterics, and was yelling at Dawson to shut the door, so that he could open it. After a few graphic threats, Dave and I herded them to Primary, for a lovely two hour break.

After church, we couldn't find Dylan anywhere. I swear he disappeared during the prayer. We looked around the chapel a little, and then decided maybe he had headed out. I told Dave he had probably made a beeline for the door, which made Dawson walk a little quicker. When we rounded the corner, there he was, holding the door open, and smiling from ear to ear. Dawson ran straight past him, hollering about how he was going to open all the doors on the truck. Dylan took off for the truck, and when Dave and I made it outside, 3 of the doors on the truck were wide open and the boys were both hanging from the handle of the 4th door. We couldn't take it anymore, Dave and I shut all the doors, and then opened them ourselves, while the boys wailed. It was quite the spectacle. They were bawling, and arguing all the way home, and Dave and I were singing "Love At Home" in our loudest falsetto voices.

I can't wait for Monday.


  1. Get a piece of chalk and write dawson's and dylans names around the front tire. Whoever's name is at the very bottom is the one who gets to open the doors that day. that is how we pick who gets to sit where in the car. It seems to stop most of the arguing. At least chivalry is not dead!
