Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dylan's Graduation

Tonight we went to Dylie's Preschool Graduation. Dylan is a very special kid. He makes me laugh everyday, and he is really fun to be around.He has a pretty advanced sense of humor, and he is way to smart for his own good. He looks more like Dave with his big brown eyes, and tall and lanky body, but if you have been around Dylan for any amount of time, you will see that he is undeniably mine too.

They had the preschoolers' march into the Cattleman's Hall to the country song, Let Them Be Little. I hate country music because the songs are so dang sad. I was bawling up a storm, and feeling like a fool, watching him walk down the rows. Dylan is incredibly independent. He does, what he wants, when he wants, and to my chagrin, he doesn't really care what you threaten him with. Hurry, is not in his vocabulary, and I couldn't help but smile, watching him mosey down the aisle 10 feet behind the last kid.

Dylan told me after the rehearsal, that he was only going to say his parent's names and not do his nursery rhyme. I argued and pleaded and threatened and then gave up on trying to talk him into it. When it was his turn, he wandered up to the microphone and introduced himself, and us, and then gave me a little shrug and spit out Baa Baa Black Sheep, like it was in the plan all along. I know he does things just to watch me freak out, the little turkey.

After, everyone got their diplomas, I tried to get him to smile for one nice picture.....

Smile Please


Just one stinking smile.

Don't make me beat you in public!

Finally! Thanks, that was easy! His allergies, are probably not making him any more pleasant.

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