I'm not sure when birthday celebrations turned into a 3 day affair, but that is what we had this weekend. My sweet little Dawson turned six today, and I have been reminiscing about him. I had a few years of fertility trouble before we got Dawson, and I desperately wanted him. Those were the longest 9 months of my life, waiting for him. I was pleasantly surprised when I went into labor a couple of days before my due date, and had such an awesome kid.
He is an incredible boy. He is so smart, and has a sweet, sensitive heart. I love his sense of humor, and the way he tries to always make us laugh. I am amazed at all the things he knows, and how fast he learns. I am so grateful for the opportunity to love him, and feel his love for me, despite my imperfections.
Saturday, we told Dawson that he could choose what we did for the day. He wanted to go miniature golfing and eat steak, salmon, and shrimp. The first part sounded alright to me, but the dinner sounded like Golden Corral. I freaking hate buffet style restaurants, but the kid loves them. Initially, when I asked him where he wanted to eat, he said, "Don Pedros, " which is my favorite place. I got a little teary, because he chose it for me, but then I told him to choose where he wanted to eat. I got really teary, when he said Golden Corral. I hate that place because it smells like urine and I don't necessarily like having to throw an elbow to get a scoop of potatoes, or box out 10 enormous people for the last corn on the cob. I went with a smile though, and Dawson loved his dinner.
After dinner we headed to Trafalga for some miniature golf. I haven't done that since I was dating Dave, and I have to say it is a lot different with kids. On the first hole, we all went in order from smallest to biggest, and everyone went in turn. On the second hole, it was a little less orderly, and by the 5th hole it was pandemonium. Nobody knew whose ball belonged to who, and there were mini clubs swinging all over the place. When she wasn't sprawled out on the green, Emma was running around picking up our balls, and putting them in the hole. Towards the 8th hole, Dave and I started awarding points to each other depending on how many of our children we could bounce the ball off of. It was great fun for our family, and I think we did our part to promote birth control for all the young couples trying to golf around us.
Sunday night we had a dinner party with all of our family. We are so lucky to have some pretty awesome family living close by.
Today, I dropped some treats off at school, and I officially have a six year-old.
I love your family!