Monday, July 5, 2010

Yes We Celebrate America's Birthday By Strapping Our Children To Livestock. Party On!

Fourth of July in Oakley, is like Christmas, and not just because sometimes we still have snow. We love the parade, and for the first time this year, I gave in and let the kids do some Mutton Bustin'. It is a full day of fun and excitement.
The Boys come armed with pillowcase size sacks to collect candy, and save the taffy to throw back at their cousins who are in the parade. Dyl hit bulls eye on a cheerleader this year, and although I was laughing inside, I had to remind him of the rules.

You can see the effects of the candy already coursing through their bloodstreams.

Emma and Brooklyn are happy to eat the candy, that the Boys are collecting.

After the parade, the Junior Rodeo starts and the Boys are checking out the livestock they have just agreed to ride.

Dyl and his "girlfriend" Halle.

Dyl did awesome on his mutton busting, and after he got bucked off, he turned to the crowd, gave a deep bow, and tossed his cowboy hat into the air.

Dawson decided he was big enough to ride a calf, or HUGE Steer, as he liked to call it. As he was flying through the air, I realized that the helmet was not going to protect his spine, and decided they would not talk me into this next year.
The HUGE Steer stepped on his face after bucking him out of his shoes, and he couldn't have been any happier or prouder of his wound.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! I love the horrific photo. I need t send you a pic of the new baby. He is almost as cute as your darlings. Your blog is one thing that I missed while on maternity.
