Thursday, December 2, 2010


I love getting Dawson's school journals home to see what he has shared of our lives with his teacher. I thought the top entry, though short and sweet, really captured the essence of just how much he hates squash. I might have made him eat the Roasted Butternut Soup I made for this evening, had it not been such a short time ago that I myself threw up in my mouth. Long story short, Girls Night Out.... Sushi/Mussel......Vomiting at the table, not an option.

When Dawson saw Dave laughing about this, he and Dyl got on a tirade about the terrible, healthy things I make them eat. Dyl's contribution was, "Yeah, and what about those little green balls,  terrible!"

Yeah, well some starving kids would kill for brussel sprouts. Sue me for wanting to have healthy kids. Can't wait to see Dyl's journal come home.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know what I love about your blogs....I can tell how madly in love you guys are and happy!
