Friday, February 8, 2008

This morning, the boys were playing so good with each other in the basement. Our basement is only a 1/3 finished and there is a long concrete area that has been set up with the skate board ramps, toys, and a wrestling mattress. Last summer when we thought we had sold our house, we moved most of the basement stuff into a storage unit, including a home made trapeze. ( see photo) That was their favorite toy downstairs. I liked it too. We had a lot of fun throwing balls, or shooting nerf bullets, at Dawson while he would try to swing out of the way. Anyway, Dave made them an obstacle course the other day, with their dinosaurs, and other toys, that they had to maneuver on their bikes, that they loved. They also had a great time lying on their stomachs, on their skateboards, and going head first down the ramps into the mattress. I can't believe we haven't had any broken bones or stitches, knock on wood.
I had to tear them away from the fun around 10:00 so we could make a Wal-Mart run. We got some valentines for the kids to take to school, and yarn for my grandma. Dylan has started asking for everything he can see, but he always ask's if he can have it for our new house. My reply is always, "we will see," and it works. After a quick stop at Wendy's, we headed for home and naps.
Dave came home early so that we could jet over to Coalville to get our passports. I think it is a little funny that we have to go to a smaller, redder-necked town to get passports, but that is what we did. We saw probably a hundred deer on the way to Coalville, and I feel so bad for them. The forest service is starting to feed them now, because they are becoming so dangerous on the highways.
Dawson and Dylan had great naps, so we did our usual pizza and movie night. We saw Eragon, a movie about dragons, hopefully there won't be any nightmares.

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