Friday, February 1, 2008

Ah, Costco. Something always seems to go down at Costco. Today as we were all rolling towards the checkout lines, Dylan caught sight of the midget handing out samples of Joint Juice, and let out a very loud "Holy shit, Mom!" As I tried to shush him, he said "Did you see that little tiny guy?" I knew exactly who he was talking about, but it surprised me, because we have seen this same man every 2 weeks for the last few years, and neither of the boys has ever blinked an eye. Dawson was in awe also. He said "I didn't know they made a-dolts in little boy bodies. Let's go back and look at him." Luckily I found a line that wasn't very long and we zipped through it. On the way out I bought the boys a hot dog and while we were sitting at the table I tried to have a good conversation with them. We discussed not swearing, which I am going to work on myself, and then we talked about the "little guy". The boys were still laughing and joking about him and I got really stern about other people's feelings and gave them a good sermon. I thought they were starting to understand, especially when I told them they were going to be really tall, and some people might think that was really funny. As we got ready to leave I told Dawson that I couldn't believe he had eaten his whole hot dog, and he got this sly little smile on his face and said "yeah, that little guy probably couldn't eat a whole hot dog." Both boys were in hysterics until I told Dawson, "actually that is how he became a little guy, he ate one huge Costco hotdog when he was 5 and he stayed that size." The whole way home Dawson was really worried and kept asking me if I was teasing, and Dylan was heaven jabbing him in the side calling him "little guy."

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