Friday, February 12, 2010

Ice Castles

Tonight we ventured out to Midway to see the Ice Castles at the Zermatt. They are really quite spectacular, and were definitely the break we needed from our usual Friday, movie night.

It's always interesting to me, what the Hoodlums are going to think is totally awesome. The Ice Castles are incredible, and the Boyz oohed and aahed, but didn't become speechless until Dave called me over to point out a loogie that someone had spit on the wall of the sculpture. Totally disgusting, and no, it was not me that did it.

Loogie, is a term unfamiliar to the kids, and maybe in my advanced age, it is considered a politically incorrect reference. Nonetheless, I gave them my best definition, and they stood motionless, eyes glued to my face as I described an act, so wonderfully disgusting, that I doubt a nuclear event, nor piping hot Churro could distract them.

When I had finished regaling them with tales of phlegm, they turned their reverence to the actual Loogie and gave it a moment of silence. I quickly scanned our surroundings to make sure I hadn't educated anyone else's Chitlins, since I sometimes err on the side of graphic explanation, and had chosen to include various colors, and textures associated with subject matter.

We then went for Pizza, and had a lovely evening.

Our family, enjoying the Loogie.
I love Dawson's face. It is the perfect expression of horror and awe.

Dave and I doing our best imitation of the movie, Ice Castles.


  1. I think I know where we're taking the kids Saturday! We were going to go to Heber on Monday but I had a fever so Walter took the girls to Cabela's while I stayed home and rested. Your kids are so darling and you and Dave are super-cute together!

  2. Gross loogie story....but definitely needed for every kid. Love the pictures of the ice castles...I had no idea the did that in Heber. Wow.
