Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tour Of Linsey

I had to lay the smack down on V-Day. All weekend long, Dave has been taunting, and teasing me with Mexican food. The kids were desperate for pizza on Friday, and while we were making our way to eat, Dave calls out, "Who wants to go to Don Pedro's instead?" Instantly the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth fills the back seat. "We always go there. You said we could have pizza! Wah, wah, blah, blah." I, on the other hand, perked right up. I looked over at him all loving and said, "Really?"

Of course he was teasing. Of course we couldn't drag the Hoodlums into DP's, especially with 2/3 of them in tears. Of course, he was smiling a smart ass little smile, that told me, he never really had any intention of recharting our course into Mexican heaven, and of course, I was irritated.

Saturday, after leaving the basketball game, we made a beeline towards the Siz, for kid requested seafood. Dave tells me an oh so funny story about our local gas station attendant and his favorite Mexican place, then wonders aloud, if we shouldn't go to La Costa, or Mi Ranchito... Before I can pick up on his obnoxious bait, my pulse quickens, and mentally I am already scanning the menu for something delicious. Right before I decide between the Rellenos, and the Carne Asada, I glance over to see him watching and smirking. Bastard! He just laughed.

The last straw came on true Valentines Day. As it happened on a Sunday, we were destined for our usual dinner at Grams. During breakfast, Dave meandered up to me with a sullen look on his face, and the newspaper in one hand. He looked so forlorn, I didn't even consider the possibility of a trap. There in his hot little hand was a half page ad for Don Pedro's Valentines Day Fiesta, featuring their once yearly offering of the Tour of Mexico. It felt like a white hot poker through my heart. Once....YEARLY.

I have partaken of the Tour of Mexico, and though it was two years ago I can still conjure up the taste of sweet and salty, meaty and lovely. My mouth was instantly a-water, and as I sat there simmering in my own juices, I began to think of any reason why my Daveskins would want to hurt me so bad, especially on Valentines. He had practically tormented me the whole weekend with his teasing. I lingered approximately 30 seconds trying to remember if I needed to apologize for something, then moved full speed ahead with my counter attack.

I clipped the picture of my beloved Tour of Mexico, for incentive, and tucked it in my scriptures so I wouldn't get distracted in church with all the talk of turning the other cheek. While it's more difficult to think of terrible things to do to your husband during a sermon, it is not impossible, and by the time Sacrament Meeting had started, my plan was in full swing. I had to be cool, not lay it on too thick, so as the meeting started, I leaned over and casually mentioned a few delightfully naughty Valentines "presents" that I had in store for him, and gave him a playful wink.

After church, we took a long nap in anticipation of an even longer evening of romance. The afternoon was peppered with tasty tidbits and promises of ecstasy to come. We weathered dinner at Gram's, and shared sweet smiles, and hand holding all the way home. The Hoodlums went to bed and I went to our bedroom to freshen up.

When Dave arrived, grinning from ear to ear, I motioned him closer, wavered only once, and then smacked the crinkled up newspaper clipping on his chest and said, "When I get my Tour of Mexico, you will get your Tour of Linsey." I then donned his flannel pajamas and retreated to the couch to fire up the DVR. Not wanting to leave him alone on Valentines, I hollered/cackled, that he was welcome to come snuggle me while I caught up on past episodes of the Bachelor.

Happy Valentines.


Addendum: Dave has brought to my attention that I failed to awknowledge, that after a particularly harrowing dinner at Grams, he did go to D.P's for chips and salsa. It's true and I am embarrassed, that I forgot such a sweet, albeit a little late, attempt at getting in my pants.

Addendum: I can't believe what a terrible person I am for forgetting that Daveskins, who is handsome and strong, brought me chips and salsa on Valentines Day. He is awesome, and I am not...........and I am blocking him from the blog.


  1. LMAO!!! Oh my goodness that was funny and so perfect.

  2. THAT was awesome, I'm so going to take lessons from you, but don't tell Jonny cuz he won't let me ever see you again :)
