Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Daws-Man!

This morning as I was taking some Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies up to the school for Daws's birthday treat, I was completely lost in my own little fantasy world. The thought came to mind, 'What if his teacher asks me to say something about him for his birthday?' I don't know why I think these things, but immediately I was overcome with emotion thinking about my love for Dawson. He is the most incredible little person. He has always been ridiculously smart, and people around us have made a big deal over his intelligence from a very young age. It is probably more a marvel when they see him with me and compare, like, how in the world could a Dodo bird produce a baby chimpanzee?
Anyway, although Dawson is a brainiac, and he is athletic and funny and so handsome; my very most favorite thing about Daws is his heart. He just has a sense about him that knows what the people around him need. He has a very special spirit to him, and even if he spends the whole morning aggravating me, by the time we are at the bus stop, he can throw his little arms around me and hug me tight enough to give me hope that I am not completely floundering as a mother. He always walks backwards from the Tahoe so he can blow kisses to me with his hands in the I Love You sign.

In Preschool, his teachers would always tell me about him trying to comfort his classmates when they would bawl as their parents left them, or would play with the odd man out at recess. He is quick to make sure his brother and sister know how much he loves them, and I just love to be around him. I am just grateful for this special kid, and ever so comforted in the knowledge that he is probably the one who will take care of me when I am old.
We picked up Nana and Gran-pa Ranny at the airport tonight and they had a special sign made for Daws.

Then we headed over to the Pizza Factory in Bountiful to have dinner with Hannah. She had a table all decorated for him and he felt pretty special.

This was the best of the 10 pictures I had to take, to get them all smiling and not showing food in their mouth or doing a ridiculous pose. The Boyz were pretty easy, it was the doofus in the middle I couldn't manage.

Certainly a sign like that screams, "Run through me in the middle of a crowded restaurant!"

So he did.

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