Thursday, March 17, 2011

Milo Update

Milo jumps on the tramp with the kids. The second he thinks we aren't looking he jumps right on and lets them bounce him. Then when he hears the sliding glass door open he bails right off.

Still wishing we would have gotten Nintendo. It sounds harsh, but this is an indoor dog whose hobbies include, rolling in poo, eating poo, draggin poo up to the porch for us to enjoy, and did I mention, eating poo. With acres and acres of horse pasture surrounding us, there is never a problem finding some.

He is not shy, and naps stretched out wherever is most inconvenient for everyone.

The Hoodlums love him and he is never to far from them. Even if it means they have to eat with their legs folded up in their chairs, or resting on back.

Milo loves to watch old home videos of his kids, and will actually sit still for a minute.
*He is still a humping maniac. So much so, that the kids are immune. Dyl came wandering into the kitchen the other day with a book in his hand, wondering what a word meant. I though nothing of it, until he came a little closer and I noticed two paws wrapped around his waist, and Milo hopping along behind him. In two months we can have him neutered, and hopefully that will "fix" the issue.

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