Sunday, October 12, 2008

After a particularly harrowing bedtime rountine, Thursday night, Dave and I were laying in bed, contemplating our parenting skills. My throat was a little scratchy from yelling, and we were both feeling a little post-general conference guilt, when Dave said he was going to set a goal, not to yell at the kids for 1 week. Despite the pain in my throat, I still managed to laugh out loud. I said, I would be happy to join him in making a goal, but I wasn't about to set myself up for failure. After a little discussion, we settled on 2 days. Dave sweetened the pot, by throwing in dinner, at Don Pedros on Saturday night if we suceeded. I guess some people are motivated by just doing the right thing, we are motivated by nachos.
Friday morning, I awoke refreshed and ready for the challenge. I explained to the boys, that I wouldn't be yelling at them for a couple of days, and when Dawson asked what a goal was, I gave him a short little inservice, and advised that he might want to set a goal himself.
We met Hannah and her little charges for a playdate later that morning, and at one point I had to get after Dawson for something. When I started to talk to him, he said, "Mom, remember your goals." I had to explain to him that not yelling, is not the same as no consequences. I made it through the whole day Friday without yelling and Dave did well after he got home from work.
Saturday morning, we awoke to a blanket of snow, and two wound-up boys. Dave spent the first part of the day hunting, and by the time he got home, Dawson couldn't wait to meet him at the door, to report that I had not met my goal.
I got my nachos anyway, and now we are just taking it a day at a time.

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