The boys love to scare me. At any given time, they will be hiding in my closet, or under the bed, anywhere they can jump out and scare me. Dylan especially likes to see me jump, and puts a little extra effort into it, by wearing his Mexican wrestling mask and Darth Vader costume. Lately, they have been setting traps for me as well. Sometimes I will come out of the bathroom and they have piled clothes, or blankets up at the door so that I will trip, or strategically placed toys around for me to step on.
Today, I could hear them giggling as I came out of my room, so I stepped over the blanket they had wadded up by my door, and laughing over my shoulder, I said, "You didn't get me that time, suckas!" I barely turned the corner, when I tripped over about 10 toy bins that they had stacked as a second trap. I could hear the little twerps laughing hysterically and slapping high fives, while I lay on the floor, nursing my wounds.
Tonight, we carved some pumpkins, and had a great time, but both boys know that I will get them back. I am just biding my time.
can't wait to hear how you get them back.....keep us posted! seriously, I love reading your stories, it makes me realize what my boys will soon be up to!