Monday, May 17, 2010

Childrens Moo-seum

Ah, tis the season for field trips. Dawson desperately wanted me to come along on his field trip to the Children's Museum. It was a lottery type dealio, and basically the first few Mothers to get their money to the school on time, got to go. I never win anything........ Except, Chaperon duty, holla.

I even got to ride the bus this time, which is a little nerve wracking for me, what with the lack of seat belts, and visions of tiny bodies being hurled through the air, should the ornery bus driver be distracted or irritated for a fraction of a second. Dawson and his buddies, eased my anxiety by playing and laughing and telling me jokes. One little phrase I hoped never to hear again, "Wanna see a trick?" floated back from the row in front of me, and I steeled my stomach, and answered, "Sure." Thankfully, the little guy just turned his eyelids inside out and I was able to honestly tell him how cool that was, and advise him to be careful that no one ever slapped him on the back, while they were in that position.

We really had a great time, and I loved spending time with Dawson, and his little buddies. He is a great kid and I love that he still thinks I am cool enough to bring along. I love his little guts.

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