Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dawson Luvs Me

In our scurry to get to the bus stop, on time the other day, Dawson and I, only managed to holler to each other, of our love. I didn't think anything of it and spent the next 20 minutes b.essing. with my friend at the bus stop. About an hour later, I came out of the shower, and heard Dyl giving someone the third degree on the phone. He handed it to me, and all I could make out was some tears and a lot of sniffing. Finally, after some coaxing, Dawson said, "Mom, 'sniff' I need to tell you 2 things, 'sniff'." Even when he is emotional, he is organized. The two things were, 1. That he forgot to give me a hug and kiss and tell me that he loves me, and 2. He forgot his lunch, and didn't want to have to eat pears at school.

Easily fixable things for sure. I wrote him a special note and stuck it in his lunch box, and then when I delivered the lunch to school, he came out and we had a great hug and kiss. All better.

Today when he came home from school, he slipped this note in my purse, and then couldn't wait for me to find it, so he brought it right to me. What a special kid, and he happens to be mine.

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