Dave and I went on a last minute overnighter yesterday and it was lovely.I crave alone time with Dave. He is the funniest person I have ever been around and it did me good to have a day just to spend with him. He makes me feel whole, and beautiful, and loved. He is a good dude.
My mom is in town, so yesterday morning I Pricelined us a sweet deal on a last minute hotel. Priceline is my new favorite hobby. It is kind of like crack, or a baked good, in the way that it is so fun and exciting while the little boxes go across the screen and William Shatner keeps you entertained with little teasers of all the wonderful hotels who are fighting over your ridiculous offer. The only problem is when your actual reservation pops up, and you end up staying at the Extended Stay America in Midvale for $35. It's then you realize you have come to the end of your dime bag, or the scale has just jumped 5 pounds. Thankfully, I married an adventurous man who can make me laugh, even when the front desk guy hands over the room keys and a little pamphlet filled with safety tips for staying at the hotel. The pamphlet itself was not alarming, just the #6 safety tip...If you see a tiny red light in any fan or vent, please report it to the front desk immediately. I didn't see any red lights, but the whole time I showered I was wondering if a million pervs were enjoying it on YouTube.
Our time was over far to quickly, and today we headed home with Easter Basket stuff, and an egg dye kit. My mom and Gram were there to help us, which is good since I am not much of a read-the-instructions kinda girl. My preparations for coloring eggs consisted of dropping the tablets in the kid's many Don Pedro's cups,(the only matching glasses we own) and filling them to the brim with water. I handed the eggs and the dye all around and started punching out the circles on the back of the box. As I was intently removing the circles, Dawson brought my attention to Emma's purple face and the fact that she had drained her cup o' dye. The uber calm nurse in me took over and I started screaming, "Oh, shit, you aren't supposed the drink that!" I frantically looked to the back of the box to find the instructions on Ingestion, but I had promptly punched out all the damn circles. So while I freaked out, trying to match the circles to the holes, Dave came in and asked whether the dye was in vinegar, or lemon juice. Why would I put the dye in vinegar or lemon juice??? Because, APPARENTLY, that's what the instructions say. While all this was going on, Emma finished off her pink dye cup as well. Yay! It isn't poisonous, but I will need to remember to tell her daycare that the wild colored poop is just how we celebrate Easter.
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