Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where's My Hug Dude?

As I was getting ready for work this morning, Sweet lil' Dyl sat on the tub and gave me the update on his Monday. I am so proud of him, I can hardly stand it. He is funny and loud and crazy to be around, as long as he knows you really well. In most other situations, he is shy and quiet.

When he started Kindergarten, he kept mentioning a boy named Juan at school that was mean and pushed everyone around. One afternoon last month, Dyl was saying that Juan was pushing him down at recess. I asked him who Juan played with, and Dyl reported that he didn't have any friends. Well, bingo. I told Dyl, that Juan was probably sad about not having any friends and then I said, "I bet if you asked Juan to play with you, he wouldn't be mean to you anymore." Dylan looked at me like I was nuts, and then replied, "Do you bet me ten bucks?" I agreed, and we had a deal.

Over the last couple of weeks, Dave and I have been encouraging Dyl to get to know Juan a little better. The reports have been getting better and better. They started out with Juan pushing Dyl down when he asked him if he wanted to play. Then Juan would push Dyl over, but help him up after. Then, Juan only accidentally knocked him over, and finally real progress.

Yesterday, Dyl came home and when Dave inquired about Juan, Dylan said he had been waiting for him at the bus stop, and when he got off the bus, Juan opened his arms up wide and said, "Where's my hug, dude?"

I probably owe him 10 bucks, but he hasn't come to collect, and I think he is probably pretty happy just having some new friends.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are great parents! We just had a similar situation with Nathan. His best friend and next door neighbor was being mean to him out of the blue. Jay and I wanted to drop kick the kid, but Nathan was the example and still said hi to him whenever he saw him. Then the other day the boy apologized to Nathan and they are best buds again. Go figure! Glad things worked out with Dylan.
