Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's official! Mall and Jeff are hitched. The sealing was beautiful and perfect. It was a great feeling in the temple this morning. When we came out, we had to get the kids' dressed in their monkey suits for pictures. It was not fun trying to keep the boys from rolling down the hill in their tuxes, but we mostly succeeded. Emma had some serious attitude and kept throwing herself down in the flowerbeds. She did not want to have her picture taken and bawled the whole time. We finally got pictures over with and went back to the hotel to have naps! It was glorious. I am very sunburned and it is making me extra tired.

Tonight was one of the best receptions that I have been to. You know the wedding is going to be fun when the D.J. plays AC/DC in the church. We danced all night. Dawson was pretty funny about dancing. He kept watching this little girl dance, but when we told him to ask her, he refused, and turned beet red. After about 20 minutes, he couldn't sit still any longer and went over and asked her to dance. They were damn adorable. He put his arm on her hip, and they rocked back and forth to the music. Dawson twirled her, and then brought her back to the starting position. It was so cute. About half way through the reception, we had some trouble when another little girl wanted to dance too. They worked out an agreement and each girl got every other dance. It worked out okay, until one girl didn't want to let go. They started arguing and pulling on Dawson's arms. The poor kid looked petrified, especially when one of the girls' said, "fine, I'm going to tell my brother!" We settled it by making Dylan dance with the other girl, which he hated. He only likes to dance with me, or another adult that can swing him around. At the end of the night, Dawson came up to me and said, "My feet are killing me." But he had a smile on his face and we all had a great time.


  1. your kiddos are so stinkin cute!

  2. Hooray! I didn't even know you were a "blogger." I'm glad you found ours so I can stalk yours!!! Your kids are adorable--I loved the dancing Dawson story!

  3. I am highly entertained by your blog.
    Can't believe love battles start that young, crazy!
    Looked like a fun reception.

  4. hey! Yeah i guess i am ready for soft ball.... as ready as anyone i guess! Ha How did you find my blog? Your kids are getting big! They are very cute!
