Saturday, May 9, 2009

It is a good thing Mother's Day is tomorrow. Today I loaded up all the chitlins for an exciting day of shopping in Salt Lake. All week long, I have been buttering the boys up, by letting them have friends, making tacos twice, and extending Wii time for a bit, all in hopes of having a non-homicidal Costco trip today. It is too much to ask, I know, and if we weren't using our kitchen towels as diapers, I totally would have put it off longer.

The ride to Salt Lake was not painful. We were laughing and talking, no one was touching anyone, or being obnoxious, and I had this thought that maybe we could make a quick trip to the Quilted Bear. I have no decorating sense, and my house just seems bare and empty, so I was hoping for something to just jump out at me. No such luck, the only thing to jump out at me was Dylan, from under a display table which almost toppled over. So, after rather unpleasant altercation with another shopper, and about 7 minutes, we were back in the truck and headed to Costco.

I should have known it would be a nightmare, on the day before Mother's Day, but we needed pull-ups and flowers. In the first 3 minutes, Dawson had reached the limit for the amount of times I will say, "Don't touch your brother." which is approximately 5 times. He ended up walking along side the cart and whining until we came into view of the sample tables. This quite possibly saved his poor little life, as he was able to keep busy getting samples for everyone.

After Costco, I called my Gram and told her to think about where she wanted to go dinner for M. Day. Without hesitating, she told me Canton City was her choice. I could feel the last real hope of a Mother's Day celebration fading. I am a Chinese food snob. I really only like Szechwan in P.C. and I wouldn't have made my Gram go to Don Pedro's, but nasty Canton City? I called Dave, and asked him if he wanted the bad news, or the worse news first, and then I informed him that I was leaving all the children in Pioneer Park for the weekend, AND we had to go to Canton City for dinner. He was bummed.

I was able to find a babysitter, so I ended up bringing the chitlin's home with me. After tossing our cell phone numbers at her, we sprinted for the car, before she could change her mind. When we got to Gram's, I curled her hair and we gossiped about who had died, and the latest shenanigans going down at the Senior's center. Dave ran up to the cemetery to put some flowers on his Mother's grave, and made it back just as we were finishing.

To my great surprise, we had a delicious dinner at Canton City. It was great to spend some time with my Gram, she really means a lot to me. The night was pretty much awesome, and then the fortune cookies came. I cracked my cookie and then stuffed it in my mouth while I read the fortune, 'You must put more effort into your exercise routine' Oh, Hay-ell No! Dave laughed as he read his, 'Be kind to yourself, eat dessert 3 times a week.' I know ours were totally mixed up, all the same I did my usual routine after we have a huge dinner. I made Dave take a picture of me taking a big bite, and then I texted it to Shauna (my exercise coach). Even the Chinese are on her side.

When we got home, the kids were ready for bed, and they were so sweet and clean, and tired, and I was so glad I didn't leave them in the park.

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