Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Results Are In

I had a lovely Mutha's Day. I pretty much milk everything I can from Mother's Day, so it ends up lasting about 1 week instead of just the usual 12 hour Sunday celebration. I can make it last even longer if I play the martyr, and spend the day at my in-laws, which I did, AND I didn't cause any problems. That 4 hours I spent on my special day, will play out in special favors and at least 2 trips to Don Pedros this week. Holla!

My favorite part of Mother's Day, is when the kids start bringing the homemade stuff home from school and church. The kids did a little survey of how much they know about their moms and it was right on...almost.

1st Question: How old is your mom?

Dawson: 30 (Ding, ding, that is correct!)
Dylan: 75

What is her favorite color?

Dawson: Pink
Dylan: Pink (good enough)

What is her favorite food?

Dawson: NACHOS!
Dylan: Grapes (At least he thinks I enjoy fruits and vegetables, and doesn't know I only cram them down my gullet to be a good example.)

What is her favorite song?

Dawson: I Have A Family Here On Earth
Dylan: Jingle Bells (Good choice for both, but I can't believe they missed Heartless, by Kanye, since Dawson keeps asking me, "Why you got to be so Dr. Evil?")

What is her favorite thing to do?

Dawson: Cook (Um, see the last question.)
Dylan: Watch her children play. (Aawwww)

Where is her favorite place to go?

Dylan: DON PEDROS! (They do know me!)

1 comment:

  1. Love it.
    Great questions and even better answers.
    Haven't been to Don Pedros in years. What would you recommend?
