Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm a Lover not a Hater!

Well, after a couple of extremely stressful days at work, I decided to get my butt out of bed for my morning work-out. I needed some fun girl talk to lift my spirits, and couldn't wait to get back to my little group. I haven't been for about 10 days because of Powell and work, so I was surprised when I came back this morning and my usually fun group of girls had been replaced with a bunch of neurotic sugar haters.

My girl Heather, tried to have my back, and help me steer the conversation away from how many grams of sugar are in an effin' banana. Seriously?! Is that what we've turned into? It only worked for a couple of minutes though, and then they were back to dissecting various foods. I had to spend the rest of the work-out, actually working-out, and giving Heather instructions on waiting to cut me down from my noose until at least 5 minutes before seven.

I came home and fell right into bed for a 15 minute cat nap before the kiddies woke up and needed breakfast. I gave them their usual frozen berry mix and cereal, which has got to be like, at least like 15 grams of sugar...gasp! Then as they scurried off to get dressed I polished off 2 pieces of Dylan's birthday cake and a glass of milk. That is not my usual breakfast so I can't decide if I am emotionally boycotting the loss of my fun work-out partners, or we just talked about sugar so damn much, now I subconsciously crave it. What-Ev.

I struck up a deal with the Boyz, that if they would give me 30 uninterrupted minutes in the steamer, they could invite a friend over, after we did Gram's shopping. They obliged, and I sat there baking out my frustrations, and trying not to vomit the mass amount of shortening and lard I had consumed for breakfast.

Gram's shopping was relatively painless today, we hit all three stores, but the lists were short, the coupons had not already expired, and the Boyz were on their best behavior. One of my favorite things about going shopping with Gram, is trying to get back into my own car afterwards. She doesn't go in the store with me anymore, but she loves to go for a ride with us. For some reason, about the same time I reach for my door handle, she always hits the automatic locks. I smile, and mouth the words, 'unlock the door,' to her. She smiles and unlocks the door, and locks it again before I can open my door. This goes on for a few minutes and then I make my way around the car to her side, so that I can try to point out which button is the unlock button. About the time I think she has it, the window by my ear will roll down. I used to try to stick my arm through, and push the button myself, but I almost lost my arm about 4 inches beneath the pit, last time. We go through this several times, before I finally just have Dawson get out of his car seat and unlock the back door for me.

The ride home was pleasant and interesting. The Boyz and I had an in-depth discussion about why George, (of the Jungle) wears a dress, and why he doesn't wear underpants. I haven't actually seen this movie, or know if George does, or doesn't go commando, but Dylan seems to think he is a free spirit, so maybe I should look into it.

My kids can make me crazy some days, but I swear they seem to know when I need a little extra TLC. Today they were so good, I just love their little guts.


  1. Thank you thank you thank you so much for finally getting your blog up to date. I was having withdrawals. Try to do it quicker pleeze. Mom

  2. Oh Lins, have I told you lately how much I miss you!!! I honestly just have to read your blog any time i'm having a bad day and it always cheers me up. Then I have to try and explain to anyone around me why I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying!! I just have to say thanks for all the great posts!! I'm jealous you got to go to Powell. Hopefully it was warm and not all this rainy bullcrap thats been going on everyday out her for like a month. I hope your work outs start to go better!! Talk to ya soon.
